6th and 8th December – What holidays are they in Spain?


Posted and filed under General Articles of Interest.

Many of you will not be aware that the 6th and 8th December are both national bank holidays in Spain.

6th December

The 6th December is Constitution Day. Constitution Day (Día de la Constitución) marks the anniversary of a referendum held in Spain on December 6, 1978.  In this referendum, a new constitution was approved for Spain. This was an important step in Spain’s transition to becoming a constitutional monarchy and democracy.

Franco was head of state in Spain from April 1, 1939, until November 20, 1975. After he died, Spain needed a new constitution and political system and elections were held on June 15, 1977. After a new parliament was formed, a new constitution was drawn up and approved by 88 percent of the people of Spain in a referendum on December 6, 1978. So as a transition from a dictatorship to modern day Spain, it is a fairly important anniversary. It is generally celebrated by people with a quiet relaxing day at home with family. 

As there is another national bank holiday on the 8th December, people often take the few days off, known as a “Puente” or bridge. This year, in 2017, the 6th falls on a Wednesday so you will find the whole week very quiet and many people off from Wednesday to Friday.

8th December

The 8th December is (if you are not familiar with the Catholic Church), as I understand it, a Holyday Day of Obligation of the Immaculate Conception of Mary (La Inmaculada Concepción de la Virgen María). The reason it is 8th December is that Pope Pius IX issued a document stating the importance of the Immaculate Conception in the Catholic Church, on December 8, 1854.

Many people think Immaculate Conception is referring to the conception of Christ through the Holy Spirit, but it is not (that is actually celebrated on 25th March). The Feast of the Immaculate Conception refers to the belief that Jesus’ mother Mary was conceived without sin and that God chose her to be Jesus’s mother. Many Christians and Catholics attend special church services on this day and it is a national bank holiday in many countries, although not in the UK or the Republic of Ireland.

Spain has the same amount of bank holidays each year (eight National ones and four days that are particular to each region so 12 in total).

Please note that our offices will be closed on the 6th and the 8th December, as well as from the 23rd December until the 2nd of January (inclusive) for staff holidays.

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