
What is an NIE number and How to get an NIE in Alicante?

All foreigners with any kind of fiscal (tax) obligations here in Spain are required to obtain a foreigner’s identity number, called an NIE (“Número de Identificación para Extranjero”), which identifies you to the Spanish tax authorities.  This is very similar to the National Insurance number which you have in your own country.

This original certificate is essential when completing many of the transactions on a daily basis in Spain – buying and selling property or getting a car registered in your name or opening a bank account are just some of the times when you will need to have this document.

The NIE number certificate is now only issued with a validity of 3 months, but really this only needs renewing for Traffic matters, as for most other issues the original certificate suffices.

How to get an NIE in Spain? We will prepare the paperwork for the NIE application and then accompany you to the relevant issuing office to obtain this certificate.

Please contact us if you need a NIE. We are often able to obtain these in one day.

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Feel free to get in touch with any enquiries and one of our friendly members of staff will get back to you as soon as possible.

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